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National Space Society

Humanity has always dreamed of the stars.


For centuries we have looked at the heavens and felt wonder. Now - our oldest and greates dream is finally coming true. We live in the new space age, an era of unparalleled discovery, when we begin in earnest the exploration and settlement of our solar system. The National Space Society is leading the way. Join us. 


The National Space Society (NSS) is the largest grassroots space organization dedicated to human space exploration, development, tourism, and settlement. We are 20,000 individuals, with more than fifty local chapters, committed to bringing about a space-faring civilization. 


Founded after the triumph of the Apollo era by a group of visionaries including Wernher von Braun and inspired by Gerard K. O'Neill, NSS is widely acknowledged as the preeminent citizen's voice on space. We have a vision of people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth, and the use of the vast resources of space for the dramatic beterment of humanity.


As we progress into the new space age, NSS is striving to overcome the barriers to space travel and launch us all into our shared future as a spacefaring people. 


But it takes hard work, not just by the men and women of the world's space programs, but by daring entrepreneurs and commited, passionate citizens and advocates like you. 

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